Sunday 16 May 2021


Glasgow Rangers actually won the Scottish Premier League back on 7th March, but yesterday was the last game of the season, when they would be presented with the trophy. This meant that there was great excitement among the fans, even though they can’t attend matches due to Covid restrictions. 
Nowhere was this excitement greater than at Casa Anderson, where Alasdair festooned the front room with Union Jack bunting and a huge Rangers flag. He, Cat, and their friend Iain wore Rangers strips and scarves, and they organised copious snacks and drinks including Buckfast, Midori and lemonade, Dragon Soup and MD2020. 
I was swimming when the match started at 12.30 but I joined them all for the second half, to find that things were going very well for Rangers - they beat Aberdeen 4 - 0 and were very happy. Also very happy were Alasdair, Cat, Iain and James. After the game was over some of the thousands of Rangers fans who had gathered outside Ibrox stadium (despite being told not to by both the club and the police) attempted to climb over the gates to get inside, and failing at that, they marched from Ibrox over the squinty bridge to George Square where they wreaked havoc. Although predictable, it was very annoying because it was stupid and thoughtless and dangerous, and gave plenty of (justified) ammunition to Rangers’ detractors. I recognised a very familiar face in one of the photos taken outside the stadium but discretion forbids that I identify the culprit! 
Back at Casa Anderson, the celebrations continued all afternoon, with the result that Ally went missing and after a short search was discovered in his bed taking a nap before teatime! He managed to get up in time for his curry and a convivial evening. 

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