Thursday 16 May 2019

Summer socialising

Well the great weather is continuing. The heating is switched off, the windows are open, and it was even a wee bit warm when I arrived home from book club about half an hour ago, almost reminiscent of a Mediterranean evening. Yesterday James and I took Grandma out and around Cambuslang in her wheelchair. After a warm welcome at the butcher’s where she is very well known after being a regular customer for fifty years, we went along to Dino’s where we got ice cream cones. Grandma’s was vanilla and I chose “Scottish tablet” which was delicious; tablet (which I love) crumbled through the ice cream. We all had a cup of tea in the garden but after the sticky ice cream and the heat of the day, I was too hot to sit with James and Grandma on the patio at the back of the house, which felt like a furnace, and I had to lie on the grass in the shade.
Today turned out to be a delightful round of socialising for me. My lunch time meet up with my school friends happened to fall on the same day as my EK book club. James and I had errands in town first so we went in together, and then went our separate ways. It was so nice to see Helen, Wendy and Maggie and we had a lovely chat. We noticed that there was a group of schoolgirls at the next table to us and we chatted briefly with them as we were leaving the restaurant, and told them that we had been friends since our own school days. The school girls were on exam leave; the exams always seem cruelly to fall during gorgeous weather. Talking of exams, it was David’s last exam today and he sent us a photo of himself relaxing on the beach in the sunshine this afternoon, probably at Broughty Ferry.
This evening book club at Jenn’s was particularly convivial and everyone was on good form; we had such a laugh, and talked about school and life, past and present.

1 comment:

  1. Was delightful to see you today, Susan. Till the next time. Xx
