Sunday 17 March 2019

First visit to this year’s Aye Write

This evening Susan W and I went to the Mitchell to see Mandy Haggith and Gilbert Markus speaking at Aye Write about “Illuminating the Dark Ages.” Both were excellent speakers; Gilbert Markus is an eminent historian who ably communicated his fascination with the so-called dark ages. I would love to hear him speak more. And Mandy Haggith is the author of one of our recent book club choices, The Walrus Mutterer, which I really enjoyed. She lives in Assynt which is where her books are set, in 360 BC. Assynt is of course one of my favourite places in the world so I love the descriptions of the land and sea. She read from her new book The Amber Seeker which is the second in the trilogy; I can’t wait to read it.
After the talk we went round to get Susan’s book signed (mine will be arriving on my Kindle in a couple of days) and had a wee chat with Mandy. The Mitchell Library was buzzing with lots of events going on, there was a lovely atmosphere. Then we went for an absolutely delicious dinner at Five March. What an excellent start to Aye Write 2019.

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