Friday 24 August 2018

Celebrating with Stravinsky

In February 2013 I went to see Stravinsky’s Firebird at the Royal Concert Hall with  James, Ally and Cat. It was a Christmas present to us from Ally. I blogged at the time about how much I enjoyed it, particularly the finale, which is full of rejoicing, and I resolved to play it on the day that I retired from teaching. I then promptly forgot all about this vow, until Cat reminded me of it last year, when I nearly retired but not quite because I went to teach literacy part time at Hollybrook.
Well, fast forward five and a half years and I really have retired now. The school holidays are over and all of Scotland’s schools have started their new term. So this morning, after my swim, while I pottered around happily doing some admin in my study, I kept my promise and played Stravinsky’s Firebird. It was fantastic and celebratory and very appropriate for the occasion.

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