Saturday 13 May 2017

Eurovision fun

Well what a tremendous Eurovision Song Contest we have enjoyed this evening. Well, when I say "we" I am exaggerating a bit because James fell asleep for about the last third of the songs and most of the voting. I had happened to see a bit of one of the semi-finals earlier this week (I usually just watch the final), and I totally fell in love with the Portuguese entry, a very simple quirky little song with a haunting tune, very different from the usual Eurovision fare. So I was rooting for them this evening. I did enjoy some of the other entries as well, particularly Moldova which had a catchy tune and a good dance routine. And who could resist the cheerful yodelling of the Romanians? In true Eurovision style, Italy's entry involved a lively dance routine by a man in a gorilla suit, and Azerbaijan inexplicably had a man up a ladder wearing a horse's head. Heather and I texted each other throughout the contest - she and Ewan were predicting success for Sweden who had an upbeat and much more traditionally Eurovision entry. At some points Ewan also joined in our comments and comparisons, it was very funny. While I was in the kitchen making a cup of tea I missed an amusing incident but luckily Ewan alerted me to it by text and I was able to rewind the programme to see it. During the voting time last year's winner performed a song, and while she was singing a member of the audience with an Australian flag draped over his shoulders climbed up onto the stage and pranced about while lowering his trousers and displaying his bare bottom to all of Europe. He was quickly wrestled off the stage and hustled away by security! The charismatic Salvador Sobral of Portugal did me proud and swept to victory. I was really pleased. 

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