Saturday 28 May 2016

An Interlude in Wales

So another week had whizzed past since I last blogged. It has been a busy but a good time. The weekend after London we went to North Wales to visit beautiful Cat. I don't say that casually; she really is gorgeous and so full of life and happiness. She was dancing in the kitchen last night and I just thought "What a lucky boy Ally is!"
Anyway, last weekend James and Ally travelled down by car on Thursday night. Their journey however was not without incident; they had a burst tyre on the motorway on the way south, and had to wait on the grass verge for an hour for the AA to arrive. This was because the tyre was rusted on and they couldn't take it off. Soon they had safely arrived in Bangor with their temporary tyre.
On Friday they climbed Snowdon, but not by the normal tourist route. They went via the Crib Goch ridge. This route was rather hair-raising, as I discovered later when shown some films of it that Ally took on his Go-Pro camera. It involves scrambling along knife edge ridges with 1000 foot drops on either side. It looked dreadful although the scenery was spectacular. 
Later on Friday I rushed to Glasgow Central Station by taxi after school, and managed to catch my train with only five minutes to spare. After that however I could relax and enjoyed reading my kindle and watching the landscape during my five hour journey. I had to change trains twice, at Crewe and Chester, both of which were very attractive old fashioned stations. 
My reception committee was waiting for me at Bangor station and we had a very late dinner in a lovely seafood restaurant called Dylan's. I was immediately struck by how friendly the Welsh people we met are - I realise that's a sweeping generalisation but every single person I met during the weekend went out of their way to be pleasant and helpful. 

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