Saturday 11 April 2015

On y va

Our last day on the pistes was excellent except for one thing - James' day was curtailed by a sudden and excruciating neck pain as he was going up on a lift. There was no apparent reason but he had to return to the balcony before lunchtime to read his book. Not such a hardship on such a beautiful day but of course he was disappointed that his last day was cut short. He generously insisted that the rest of us continue to ski. We skied around our favourite areas in twos and threes and met for lunch at the top of Roche de Mio where I wisely chose a delicious raspberry tart instead of a heavy (albeit delicious!) tartiflette. Off we went to ski for a few more hours - I was amazed to find myself still skiing all afternoon because normally my legs are done in by the last day. I think they are better this year because my skiing has improved so I have not damaged them as much. At about 4.30 we all (except James) met up at the beautiful Restaurant Arpettes where we sat on deckchairs in the sunshine having drinks.
Later we all had dinner at our favourite Belle Plagne restaurant - L'Alpage. We sat round a big square table and ordered fondue savoyard and pierre chaude; it was a very happy and convivial occasion to celebrate Alasdair's recent 21st birthday, followed by champagne back at the apartment.  

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