Sunday 18 January 2015

A visit to the (operating) theatre

Going for an operation is a strange experience. At the back of my mind (well actually at the front of my mind!) was the thought that I might not wake up again. So I wrote letters to Jamie, Ally and Davie just in case. I actually started these a couple of years ago and saved them in my phone so all I needed to do was update them. I also wrote an email to James, and then I felt ready to face the operation. 
The morning of the operation (Friday) wasn't fun. I had all my check ups on Thursday and was then sent home for the night. It was nice to be home but the next morning we had to go in to Gartnavel very early - for 7.30 a.m. and by this time I was very nervous. Everyone is very pleasant at the eye infirmary but there always seems to be a wee bit of confusion about what happens when! So first I was sent downstairs then back up to the ward and then back downstairs to the pre op area. Although I didn't have to wait there long, it was a scary time of anticipation for me, and I was almost relieved when I was wheeled through to get on with it. The anaesthetist was great; kind and reassuring - and efficient. She said that the first injection was a really strong painkiller, and the second was like a big glass of wine - and that's all I remember until I woke up in the recovery area with a huge patch over my eye! Back in the ward I then had to lie on my front for four hours. 
Meanwhile in the outside world there was heavy snowfall in the afternoon so it took James, Ally, Davie and Cat more than an hour to drive over to visit me, and the same to drive back. The highlight of visiting time was Davie fainting when we talked about what happened during the operation! He slumped sideways onto Ally's lap, who at first thought he was joking but then realised he had really fainted! 
It was lovely to see them and Jamie texted from his holiday. I felt lucky.

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