Thursday 7 March 2013

Mr Grey has breakfast

This morning as I was eating my porridge I noticed a lot of activity going on outside the French windows. James had put a pile of torn up bread on the bird table and one of our squirrels (David tells me that it was Mr Grey*) was sitting on the table picking up piece after piece with his wee front paws and munching them. He must have been very hungry. But he was being stalked by both magpies and the big pigeon, which he was doing his best to ignore. However when a couple of cheeky blackbirds also turned up it all got too much for Mr Grey and he scarpered up the plum tree. Jack was watching all of this intently from his basket but was too warm and comfy to do anything to sort these cheeky creatures out!
Later on after a busy day I had a very nice meal! Jackie and I went to a meeting after school and then she very kindly treated me to tea at Mitchell's in Carmunnock, she insisted. It was absolutely delicious and we had a lovely chat and a laugh. What a pleasant way to end the day. 

* David has named our most regular squirrel visitors Mr Grey, Mrs Brown, and Mr Thin! 

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