Friday 16 December 2011

Festive Friday

James and I went to Argos last night to buy an electric heater for the back room because it is a bit chilly, and it was a great success, giving the room's heating a wee boost. I think it is very cute and I have called it R2D2 but Alasdair told me witheringly that it looks nothing like said robot. Ally and I have been getting on very well recently, I think he realises that I tried very hard to be helpful about his party and Clarissa's visit, and is giving me the benefit of the doubt rather than assuming that I am constantly trying to ruin his life. Ally and Davie both finished school at lunch time today; Davie was celebrating by lunching with his friends and Ally is at his school dance. He went to get a haircut first and texted me a surreptitious photo of Limmy (a Glasgow comedian who we like) who he saw on the underground. Limmy looked very tired.
James is at his office night out, which he usually enjoys more than he thinks he will, and I have just attended my school's pantomime which was extremely good. As the term draws to its close there are many more festive activities coming up e.g. cake sales, concerts, and next week a karaoke competition. My blood runs cold in anticipation! Today I took 22 pupils and staff to the cinema for our own private showing of Puss in Boots 3D. The thin plot was built round the popular character from Shrek but the animation was brilliant and the cat mannerisms were very funny to us cat lovers. Everyone behaved well and most enjoyed themselves! 

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