Sunday 10 August 2014

Rainy in Stockbridge

Today we visited Aisling and Jamie's new flat for the first time, and we took Grandma along for the trip as well as Davie. Jamie's bike was stolen last week from the close downstairs. This was even more annoying considering that he had just paid for £100 worth of repairs. He has another, older, bike which he had left at our house so the primary reason for our visit was to take it through to him. We had a scary moment on the motorway when the bike suddenly listed to one side on the car roof and we had to take the next exit to fix it on properly.
It rained all day, sometimes very heavily, but luckily we were able to park close to the flat. Aisling was at work so unfortunately we didn't see her but it was great to see Jamie, and he gave us a tour of his flat - it is lovely! Grandma really liked it and declared that she was going to move in with them! We drove along to the excellent Raeburn for lunch, which is actually only five minutes walk, but what with Grandma and the rain we thought it better to take the car. We were very impressed with the main street in Stockbridge, which has lots of nice wee shops, cafés and pubs, and all within ten minutes walk of Jamie and Aisling's flat. It's also only fifteen minutes walk from Princes Street.
After lunch we popped in to Waitrose, which to my great excitement is diagonally across the road from the flat! James was not best pleased about this (he has a strange hatred for Waitrose) but with Grandma enthusiastic about it there was nothing he could do! Then it was back to Jamie's for a coffee before heading home. As rainy days go, this was a very pleasant one.

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